
Staff Council

The staff council is an advisory body to assist the Principal in academic matters as well as in maintaining College discipline. Some administrative work of the College is also distributed by the Principal among the members of the Council. Meeting of the Council is convened at such times when the Principal may consider it necessary. The Secretary of the Council shall keep the record of all the proceedings of all meetings. The Principal shall be the sole authority to take final decision.

Student Council

The Student Council is constituted every year by Parliamentary mode in accordance with the University rules and regulations. The Union consists of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, General Secretary ,Joint Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, General Captain, Student Editor, University Union Councillors and General Representatives who are elected by the students. The Union has the responsibility of organizing co-curricular activities in the Institution. The purpose of Student Council is to give students an opportunity to develop and experience leadership qualities by organising and carrying out service projects and co-ordinate with all the committees, clubs and other trainees through their active participation.